The North Korea Initiative
North Korea | China
The North Korea Initiative is a unique opportunity to reach North Korea with the gospel from China by utilizing “men, materials, and media/technology.”
Men: To plant churches along the China/North Korea border with the intention to reach and train ethnic Korean Chinese citizens to go into North Korea as evangelists and church planters.
Material: To produce and translate material (written, audio and video) into the Korean language.
Media/Technology: Use media and technology in creative ways to get Biblical material into North Korea.
Phase 1 – Sending SD Cards to NK
Until the Lord gives us a man to work on the border, we have partnered with a friend to get the KOREAN AUDIO SCRIPTURES (New Testament and Proverbs) and other resources (preaching, teaching, and singing recordings and a gospel video) distributed into the country.
Why SD cards?
Please pray as they will be faithfully distributed and listened to or watched by the North Korea people who have yet to hear a clear presentation of the gospel!
Phase 2 – Sending Men to the Border
We are praying for the Lord to raise up men who are surrendered to serve in a church-planting missionary capacity in one of the below “Key Locations” on the Chinese side of the China/North Korea border.
Our prayer is that these men would plant churches that would reach Chinese nationals of Korean ethnicity with the gospel whom the missionaries would then train in China for full-time gospel ministry.
Key Locations Along The Border
- Dandong City
- Population: 865,576
- About 3% Ethnic Korean (20-30 thousand)
- Yanbian Prefecture
- Population: 2,271,600
- 32% Ethnic Korean (725 thousand)
- Yanji City (Yanbian Prefecture – 1st Largest Yanji)
- Population: 400,000
- 1/3 to 1/2 Ethnic Korean
- Tumen City (Yanbian Prefecture – 2nd Largest City)
- Population: 136,000
- 57% Ethnic Korean
- Jian City
- Population: 230,000
Men Needed
- Men willing to serve on the front lines.
- Men willing to risk their lives and face persecution.
- Men willing and able to learn Chinese and/or Korean.
- Men willing to plant churches in a communist country.
- Men willing to be immersed in the Bible and teach others.
- Men willing to train others who can train others.
Phase 3 – Sending Men to NK
The long-term goal of the initiative is for saved, trained ethnically Korean men to then be sent out of those border churches into North Korea with the gospel to win souls and establish churches within North Korea’s borders.
Promote This Initiative
Download and use the following materials to help us promote the need of reaching into North Korea from China.